Here are some examples of sounds that can be obtained from the electro-acoustic recorders when connected to an effects unit:

A solo tenor recorder with a "rotary drive" effect, giving a sound similar to that of an electric guitar

A solo alto recorder with a "delayed transposer" effect, giving an impression of two recorders played together

>A solo soprano recorder played with a chorus effect generating a fairly fast tremolo

A solo alto recorder played with a 1 second delay simulating two instruments played together in a canon

Finger percussion on the tone holes of a solo soprano recorder (overdrive effect)

A tenor recorder with a multiple pitch shift effect generating an array of simultaneous notes around the one being played

A solo soprano recorder with distortion giving an electric guitar effect

A solo alto recorder with a ring modulator effect, several sounds at different pitches with reverb

A solo tenor recorder with a very long reverb effect that can give an impression of hearing chords

A solo soprano recorder with a multiple transposer effect, simultaneous sounds at different pitches

A solo tenor recorder played staccato with a simple delay effect repeating each note

A solo tenor recorder with a "step phaser", effect generating successive notes surrounding the one being played